Sunday, May 20, 2018

Spring Swap....

I participated in Amy of
Bumble Bee Lanes
Spring Swap.
Amy was my partner. 
These are the items that I 
received. A cute Bunny,
star ornie, tea towel, card,
praline caramel candle...
(smells heavenly)
chamomile soap & chocolates
that I forgot to get a picture of,
because I ate them right away.
Sorry for the late Post.
I had some health issues
that got in the way.
Thanks again for another
wonderful Swap Amy.
I hope your also feeling Better!
Happy Spring Everyone!


  1. Hi Sandi! Great swap gifts. :)
    Sorry to hear you have had issues with your health. I hope you are doing better!

  2. Seems we both are having issues back and forth. Hope this little package brighten your day.I'm glad your back to painting.


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