Monday, October 13, 2014

Harvest Gathering Swap, Part 2....

My second Partner in Amy's
Harvest Gathering Swap was
Lynn from
and this is what I received
from Lynn,,,
Lots of pumpkins, an acorn,
 a cat and a bag of Recess Pumpkins.
Thank You Lynn!
I Love it all!


  1. There's no such thing as too many pumpkins in my book, LOL. Cute kitty! Love that acorn too. Great swap! ~Jessica

  2. MMMM Peanut butter pumpkins. Sweet gifts from both girls! Thanks again for helping out. Warm Blessings!~Amy

    Oh and I do have you in the ornie swap.No worries.

  3. Hi Sandi,
    So glad you liked everything. I am always a worry wart when shopping for others. But, I figure if I like it you will probably like it too. I also left two items out of the box so I will get them packaged up and sent to you. I just love the items you have been painting.


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