Saturday, September 3, 2011

4th Update on Whisper....

Good News!!!!!!  My fur baby is on the mend and almost back to her old self!
She finally had a bowel movement yesterday, before I left for work.
And after that she has been running around and wanting to play!
I was panicking, it's another week before she gets her stitches out.
She was just so silly when I came home last night. She has been sleeping with me,
so I can get up and take her to the bathroom at night. (She needs to go out every 2 hrs.
to retrain her bladder) anyways, I put her on the end of my bed on a folded up blanket,
because she's been having accidents. I went to the bathroom and when I came out
she was laying on my side of the bed and she wouldn't move.
So I slid her over and layed next to her. We both fell asleep and when I woke up
5 hrs later, I was thinking OH MY GOSH, I didn't wake up to take the dog out.
Needless to say, she was dry, no accidents, took her out and we went back to sleep.
Today she is just a ball of energy! Finally after a loooong week,
I think she is going to be okay! Thanks for following along on our
journey. Thanks for all your support and prayers for Whisper.
I so do appreciate it!
Happy LABOR DAY everyone!


  1. hi, Sandi
    Bet she feels soooo much better!!! What a relieve~ Wonderful news~
    enjoy your day, hugs to Whisper~

  2. Glad she's on the mend.Don't let her over do it.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  3. Yay! Very glad to hear she is doing so much better!

    Blessings, Jessica

  4. Hurray!! I am so glad that things are headed in the right direction. :) Thanks for keeping us updated - I like knowing that the prayers are working ;)

  5. Hi Sandi,
    Been catching up on your doings and am so glad that your puppy is on the mend!
    enjoy your Labor day weekend!

  6. Oh what a happy feeling! Congrats to you and Whisper ~ glad to hear she is on the mend!!!
    Prim Blessings

  7. So glad to hear that Whisper is doing better =)

  8. Hi, Sandi, nice to meet you. I found your blog on my
    blog friend Brenda's, The Rusty Thimble. I just
    wanted to say "Hi" and introduce myself. Wow, you
    are a busy woman. Don't know how you do everything.
    What kind of doggie do you have? I'm happy for you
    that she's so much better.
    Warm Regards,
    Susan B., Western MA


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