Hello Everyone-
So the Vet did call me back yesterday. By the time he did call me, I didn't have time to run Whisper back in because I had to go to work. He told me to put a maxi pad on her incision and then wrap either gauze or an ace bandage around her until I could bring her in.
I told him she is not eating the s/d food they gave me as part of her special diet. He told me to mix it with her other food she had before. Tried that didn't work. Gave her back her other food, still not eating. (sigh)
I work 2-10 p.m. I got home and there was a note on the table saying she still didn't eat anything all day, she is drinking though.
Fast forward to this morning...took Whisper back into the Vet. He examined her...the drainage came from a puss pocket that formed between the stitches...REALLY? That was an awful lot of drainage I told him for a puss pocket. He took her temp. She had a fever. He prescribed an antibiotic and a pain pill for her.
As for eating...He said try a the Bland Diet for her...Boiled Potatoes, Boiled rice, Boiled Hamburger, Cottage Cheese and Plain yogurt. SERIOUSLY?? Yes, he said. Guarantee she will eat it. Animals Love this! SERIOUSLY? I never heard of it, but I am willing to try. And if she doesn't eat it???? He says if she doesn't eat by Wednesday bring her back in.
I am so exhausted but I will keep pushing on, LoL! I will keep you posted!
New Upcycle Ideas 769
1 day ago