Saturday, February 4, 2017


Anyone that knows me...
knows that Snowmen are my
most favorite thing, ever!
Love to paint them, no matter
what season it is.
I keep a hand full of them
displayed around my house year round'.

These are a few more that I have 
painted throughout the winter months.
All have been sold!

I Love to paint on old window screens
when I can find them.

These are painted on fence boards.
I painted up 24 of these,
this winter.
Another old milk can
turned into a Snowman....

And this round metal saucer
is one of my favorites.
It makes me wonder how many
kids rode down the hills on this.
It was so beat up with
all the knicks & dents, but that
just gave my snowman character,
I think...
I am working on a few 
Spring/Summer items
for my next post.
Have a wonderful
weekend everyone!!