Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ginger Bread Swap with Marsha!

I participated in Amy of
Bumble Bee Lane's 
Ginger Bread Swap,
and Marsha from
 Tattered Chick
was my Partner.

I received some
wonderful goodies.
Look at these darling skates
that Marsha had made.
I Love skates as much as
 I Love Snowmen!

And the SWEET Snowmen
that Marsha sculpted.
I just Love this!
Look at all the detail.
Your work is Beautiful, Marsha!!

And this Plump little guy!
How cute is this?

There was a packaged wrapped
and a Gingerbread ornament 
was attatched
on the outside. 
Inside was an old jar
filled with tarts, candy, cider
and vintage Snowmen!
Wonderful idea!
(You can click on the pictures
to make them bigger)

Another box wrapped with some
stamped Christmas ribbon,
and a gingerbread pin.
Inside was a Vintage box
with a Vintage cookie cutter.
Oh how I LOVE this!

And this Beautiful card that Marsha
had made with the Skates on the
front, is a picture she took of a 
friends craft booth.
So Beautiful! 
And inside was a snowman notepad!

Close-up of the card.

"Thank You" for the
wonderful Swap Goodies, Marsha!!
I will Treasure them always.

And "Thank You" Amy,
for Hosting another 
wonderful Swap.